Miracle Investigator

Hey yáll! We started out this week with Zone Conference here in Santiago! It was so crazy! My very last conference on the mish! Is this real life? Time passes by so fast! So guess what! At our conference President Louza was joking around with Sister Neves about staying another transfer, and she was all, Yeah I could stay one more, and he was all seriously? And she said yes! So they called her parents and she is staying until August! Wow Crazy stuff! I also got to see sister Lacerda! I missed her so much! It was awesome!

So I dont know if you guys remember, but when I was serving in the branch here last year we had an investigator, Senhor Delmar that couldnt get baptized, because he killed a man like 40 years ago. He met the missionaries about 3 years ago, and has been going to church for 3 years waiting to get approved for his baptism. The day finally arrived, and I was able to assist his baptism! Guess who he chose to baptise him! President Louza! How Crazy! It was so great!
We also had divisions, and I got to go to Santa Maria for the 2nd to last time! Yay! It was so great! I got to see some missionaries that I havent seen in a while, and even teach an english class! I also met a really awesome girl, and taught a lesson on the bus!
We are working with a miracle investigator named Rosane. So two fridays ago we had all of our appointments fall through, and were walking to an address, when I looked to my right and saw a house that the thought came through my mind, “Someone who lives here is going to be a member of the church” we knocked, and a woman answered the door. Rosane. She just got divorced, and is really wanting to make changes in her life. She is amazing, and has gone to church twice so far. She is all set to get baptized this week. We were placed in the right place at the right time to be instruments in the lords hands.
I love all the little miracles that we see every day! I love being a missionary.
-Sister Sinclair

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