
Halo! Merry Christmas!

This week was so great! It started out with a christmas package that had a bunch of American candy! Which was awesome!  I decided to give some to an investgator that we have named Flavia, she is 14 years old, and had just lost her grandpa to cancer two days earlier. So we talked about life after death, and how she can see him again one day. It was really crazy, because I have never taught someone who had such a recent death. It was really spiritual, and the holy Ghost was guiding us to really comfort one of His daughters in need. We finished the prayer, and I said, Flavia, I have a surprise for you! Her eyes lit right up, and I pulled out the candy. It made her whole day! Mom you were super inspired! Thank you!
So on friday I got a call from the AP saying that I will be training! I was shocked! I cant even believe it! I am so excited, nervous anxious for this great opportunity! I sm really humbled by this great privelege!
I got to talk to my family! It was so so so good! Ammo is leaving for his mission, Sadie is tall, and hunter is driving and dating! WOW! I love my family so much! I love all of you guys!
-Sister Sinclairdec-27-1

The Lord Completed His Part

Hey guys! This week was really awesome! We had our Christmas devotional, and party, it was really great!

So these past couple of weeks have been a little rough in the work, because of the heat that was leaving us a little less motivated. We kinda got into a little rut, and it was beginning to show. We were doing what we thought was everything, but nothing was seeming to go right, appointments falling through, addresses being fake, and so on. Our president gave a training that was extremely inspired, that really went to the heart. I was able to realize that the only thing that is important is giving our best, If we give it our all, the lord will do the rest. I came to the conclusion that I can do more, I can give more to The Lord. This week we made a goal and talked to every single person that crossed our path, and guess what! The Lord completed His part! We have 7 new investigators, and are seeing the other great blessings.
I am so thankful for the great privilege to be a missionary, that I can help families become eternal. I know that there is so much more that I can do, and I am very excited! I know that my savior lives. Merry Christmas!
-Sister Sinclair

Seja a Luz do Mundo “Be a light unto the world”


Hola mis amigos,

I have been running with my companion in the mornings, it’s really fun! I am also teaching her English. This week has been really hard and hot, but it was good. It was really funny, because I pulled out all of the Christmas presents from my package, and put them under my tree, and it is killing my companion. She said that she decided to study patience so that she could wait to open the Christmas presents.

Merry Christmas!

Sparty Chimmers!



Super Legit

The church is doing something a little different this year for their Christmas videos. There are 25 videos one for each day and each one has a service that we can do to be more like Christ! If you haven´t had a chance to see them yet, go look it up! You wont regret it, because they are Super Legit!dec-3-1dec-3-2dec-3-3

Note Hunter’s B-Day on the sign!
I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUNTY!!!! I hope you have the best 16th birthday ever! Now you can go on dates, and drive! What the heck?
So this week I had the opportunity to meet a little one with disabilities, she is paralyzed and tube fed, and I couldnt help but think of bryce and analise. A whole bunch of memories came rushing back! I was extremely greatful for the experience and her mom even let me feed her. I love these little ones, and they really bring a special spirit into the home.
I love you guys!
-Sister Sinclair