Way Cray!

This week was way cray! To start it off we had a family night at the presidents house with a family of investigators, it was amazing! We had a really cool activity that brought the spirit really strongly. We also are working with Regina and Arlon to get everything ready for their wedding and baptism.

I am beyond excited for you Ammo! I’m so glad that your visa came through! A girl in our ward is going to serve in Maceó where my MTC companion is. I love love love this work!

It will all be worth it!

This was definitely a week of ups and downs. We had a baptism marked for Saturday that fell through at the last second. Flavias mom said that she no longer wanted her daughter to be baptized. It was completely unexpected and devastating. I have never felt so sad on my mission. When someone has a testimony, and because of the choices of others can not progress.

 That was the down, but this week was full of ups! On Saturday we made contact with a lady on the street, and invited her to church, and she came! We also had a lesson with a family that went to church! It was so crazy! Things like that never happen. The Lord allows things to happen in His time and in His way. Which is not always what we want or expect, but it will all be worth it in the long run.
I love this work. I cant even begin to express the pure joy that I feel because I am a representative of christ. I love you! Good luck with all the house stuff!
-Sister Sinclair

Super Legit

This week was super legit! We are again with a gigantic area, and are working in full force! We are working with two families to get married, so that they can get baptized. and this week we will go to the court house to mark the first wedding. Flavia is going to get baptized this week, and is super excited! We have been working with her for over 5 months! She went on a trip for a month, and returned last week. I know that conversion is real, and that it changes hearts, and actions.

This week rained a whole bunch! During the day it was really really hot, then in the late afternoon I am trying to send photos, but this computer is a little lame..
Today I learned how to make itialian noodles! How fancy! I love you guys! Have a fantastic week!
-Sister Sinclair

1 Year !

Wow! The day that I never thought would arrive has come! Happy late half birthday dad!….and I have officially been a missionary for 1 year! A year ago I boarded a plane, and arrived in Brasil. I knew one word in Portuguese, (Janela) and I was scared out of my mind! Today I feel like I have been a Missionary my entire life. I have a hard time remembering what it was like to not talk about the gospel 24 hours a day. I love this work, and am so thankful that I can server Him.

This week we had a family night of miracles. We were also able to mark a baptism date with Delta, and she is going to get married!
-Sister Sinclair
Funny side note: I am known as the sister that cooks really well, haha! Thanks dad, and grandma for all of the training!