
Hey Guys! This week has been a really awesome one! It rained so much! Haha! On Saturday our feet were totally soaked all day! The good thing is that it wasn’toct-18_4oct-18_5oct-18_9oct-18_10oct-18_6oct-18_7oct-18_8dsc06770 cold! What a blessing! It is starting to heat up here! I am way excited! It was great!

We had splits with a returned missionary, and it was a really great! I was able to get some good advice from her, and remember how short this time really is!
 I  We have an investigator named Neca. She is really progressing in the gospel. It is really amazing to see the change in someones counenance!
i just love serving the Lord. I know that he lives, and he leads and guides us. Being a missionary is a special experience! I dont want to lose one minute!
Until next week!
-Sister Sinclair

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